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Account: Update Credit Card

NOTE: This article applies to customers who want to change from one credit card to another. For changing payment methods, please contact support.

How To Update Credit Card Information

  1. Log in to your Domains Dashboard.
  2. Click the drop-down arrow. Next to your username and select the Billing option.
    Billing link
  3. Select the card you want to update next to the expiration date, click on the Options menu
    Options menu
  4. Choose the Edit Card option.
    Edit card
  5. Update your information and click the Submit button.
    Update payment information
  6. If you need to revise the Billing Address, uncheck the box and make your changes.
    Update payment information
  7. Submit your changes.

Credit Cards FAQ

Can I have Multiple Credit Cards Associated With My Account?

You can only have one credit card on file at a time.

What Is My CVV Number?

The CVV (Card Verification Value) number helps to protect your credit card from fraudulent use. Most businesses now require this number in addition to the credit card number when processing a credit card transaction.

The location of your credit card's CVV number can be found here:

  • American Express: A 4-digit non-embossed number on the front of the card printed above the account number.
  • Discover: A 3-digit number on the back of the card immediately following the account number.
  • MasterCard: A 3-digit number on the back of the card immediately following the account number.
  • Visa: A 3-digit number on the back of the card immediately following the account number.

Why Can't I Remove All Credit Cards From My Account?

You must call support to remove all credit cards from your account. Our system will not allow you to do this on your own.

What Is The Automatic Credit Card Updating Service?

Several credit card companies provide services that automatically update your credit card information if your credit card is expired, lost, or stolen. We utilize these services to make it easier for you to keep your billing in good standing and prevent any loss of service. Your credit card company may provide us with updated information whenever your credit card is:

  • Expired, and you receive a new credit card with the same account number but a different expiration date.
  • Lost or Stolen, and you request to receive a new credit card with a new account number.

We currently utilize these services from the following credit card companies:

If you have a credit card through your bank, please contact your credit card company to confirm if your bank participates in any of these programs.

Why Am I Getting A 'Zip Code Mismatch' Error?

You will need to provide your billing address to process payments with a credit card. To help protect against fraud, we check the billing address you provided us against the billing address you provided your bank or credit card company. If the billing addresses do not match, the transaction will not be processed.

If you are certain that the billing addresses are correct but still receiving this error, we recommend that you please use a different card or try a different payment method.

If I Qualify For A Refund, Which Credit Card Is It Made Back To?

All refunds are made back to the original credit card regardless of the current credit card on file.

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