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How to Add a Domain - Domain Registration & Management

Add an Existing Domain

You can add any of your existing domains to your account, even if they are with another registrar. This step will NOT change the current registrar. 

  1. Log in to your Domains Dashboard.
    Login to your Domains Dashboard
  2. Click on the Import Domain button.
    Import Domain
  3. Click the Add Existing Domain button.

    Note: This is not a domain transfer. Your registrar will not change.

    Add Existing Domain
  4. Type your domain name into the field and click the Add Existing Domain button.
    Add Existing Domain

    At the bottom of your Domain summary, a list of available domains is shown for when you are ready to acquire additional domain names.

    Available Domains
  5. The domain will appear in your list of domains.
    Domain is already added in the domain list

If you want to add or purchase a new domain name, click here. This is going to redirect you to one of our articles entitled Domain Registration: How To Buy A Domain.